A | Augsburg | Online Deregistration possible |
A | Gersthofen | Online Deregistration possible |
AA | Aalen | Online Deregistration possible |
AB | Aschaffenburg | Online Deregistration possible |
AB | Aschaffenburg | Online Deregistration possible |
ABG | Altenburg | Online Deregistration possible |
ABI | Köthen | Currently not possible |
AC | Aachen | Online Deregistration possible |
AE | Plauen | Currently not possible |
AH | Borken | Online Deregistration possible |
AIB | Grasbrunn-Neukeferloh | Online Deregistration possible |
AIB | Rosenheim | Online Deregistration possible |
AIC | Aichach/Friedberg | Online Deregistration possible |
AK | Altenkirchen | Currently not possible |
ALF | Hildesheim | Currently not possible |
AM | Amberg | Online Deregistration possible |
AN | Ansbach | Online Deregistration possible |
AN | Ansbach | Online Deregistration possible |
ANA | Annaberg-Buchholz (Erzgebirgekreis) | Currently not possible |
ANG | Prenzlau | Online Deregistration possible |
ANK | Anklam | Online Deregistration possible |
AÖ | Altötting | Online Deregistration possible |
AP | Apolda | Online Deregistration possible |
ARN | Arnstadt | Online Deregistration possible |
ART | Sondershausen | Online Deregistration possible |
AS | Amberg-Sulzbach | Online Deregistration possible |
ASL | Bernburg (Saale) | Online Deregistration possible |
AT | Mecklenburgische Seenplatte | Online Deregistration possible |
AUR | Aurich | Online Deregistration possible |
AW | Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler | Online Deregistration possible |
AZ | Alzey-Worms | Online Deregistration possible |
B | Berlin | Online Deregistration possible |
BA | Bamberg | Online Deregistration possible |
BA | Bamberg | Online Deregistration possible |
BAD | Baden-Baden | Online Deregistration possible |
BAR | Eberswalde | Online Deregistration possible |
BB | Böblingen | Online Deregistration possible |
BBL | Potsdam | Currently not possible |
BBL | Zossen | Currently not possible |
BC | Biberach | Online Deregistration possible |
BD | Karlsruhe | Online Deregistration possible |
BED | Freiberg | Currently not possible |
BF | Steinfurt | Online Deregistration possible |
BGD | Bad Reichenhall | Online Deregistration possible |
BH | Rastatt | Online Deregistration possible |
BH | Offenburg | Online Deregistration possible |
BI | Bielefeld | Online Deregistration possible |
BID | Marburg-Biedenkopf | Online Deregistration possible |
BIN | Mainz-Bingen | Online Deregistration possible |
BIR | Birkenfeld | Currently not possible |
BIR | Idar-Oberstein | Currently not possible |
BIT | Bitburg-Prüm | Online Deregistration possible |
BIW | Kamenz | Online Deregistration possible |
BK | Waiblingen | Online Deregistration possible |
BK | Schwäbisch Hall | Online Deregistration possible |
BK | Haldensleben | Online Deregistration possible |
BKS | Wittlich | Online Deregistration possible |
BL | Balingen | Online Deregistration possible |
BLB | Siegen | Online Deregistration possible |
BLK | Naumburg | Currently not possible |
BM | Bergheim | Online Deregistration possible |
BN | Bonn | Online Deregistration possible |
BNA | Borna | Online Deregistration possible |
BO | Bochum | Online Deregistration possible |
BOG | Straubing-Bogen | Online Deregistration possible |
BOT | Bottrop | Online Deregistration possible |
BRA | Brake | Online Deregistration possible |
BRB | Brandenburg | Online Deregistration possible |
BRG | Burg | Currently not possible |
BRK | Bad Kissingen | Online Deregistration possible |
BRL | Goslar | Online Deregistration possible |
BRV | Rotenburg (Wümme) | Online Deregistration possible |
BS | Braunschweig | Online Deregistration possible |
BSB | Osnabrück | Online Deregistration possible |
BSK | Oder-Spree | Online Deregistration possible |
BT | Bayreuth | Online Deregistration possible |
BT | Bayreuth | Online Deregistration possible |
BÜD | Friedberg Landkreis Wetteraukreis | Online Deregistration possible |
BUL | Schwandorf i.Bay. | Online Deregistration possible |
BÜR | Paderborn | Online Deregistration possible |
BÜS | Konstanz | Online Deregistration possible |
BÜZ | Rostock | Currently not possible |
BÜZ | Güstrow | Online Deregistration possible |
BW | Kiel | Online Deregistration possible |
BW | Münster | Online Deregistration possible |
BW | Mainz | Online Deregistration possible |
BW | Würzburg | Online Deregistration possible |
BW | Magdeburg | Currently not possible |
BWL | Stuttgart | Online Deregistration possible |
BYL | München | Online Deregistration possible |
C | Chemnitz | Online Deregistration possible |
CA | Oberspreewald-Lausitz | Currently not possible |
CAS | Recklinghausen | Online Deregistration possible |
CB | Cottbus | Online Deregistration possible |
CE | Celle | Online Deregistration possible |
CHA | Cham | Online Deregistration possible |
CLP | Cloppenburg | Online Deregistration possible |
CO | Coburg | Online Deregistration possible |
COC | Cochem-Zell | Online Deregistration possible |
COE | Dülmen | Online Deregistration possible |
CUX | Cuxhaven | Online Deregistration possible |
CW | Calw | Online Deregistration possible |
D | Düsseldorf | Online Deregistration possible |
DA | Darmstadt | Online Deregistration possible |
DA | Darmstadt-Dieburg | Online Deregistration possible |
DAH | Dachau | Online Deregistration possible |
DAN | Lüchow-Dannenberg | Online Deregistration possible |
DAU | Daun | Online Deregistration possible |
DD | Dresden | Online Deregistration possible |
DE | Dessau-Roßlau | Currently not possible |
DEG | Deggendorf | Online Deregistration possible |
DEL | Delmenhorst | Online Deregistration possible |
DGF | Dingolfing-Landau | Online Deregistration possible |
DH | Diepholz | Online Deregistration possible |
DIL | Wetzlar | Online Deregistration possible |
DIN | Wesel | Online Deregistration possible |
DIZ | Bad Ems | Online Deregistration possible |
DLG | Dillingen a.d. Donau | Online Deregistration possible |
DN | Düren | Online Deregistration possible |
DO | Dortmund | Online Deregistration possible |
DON | Donauwörth | Online Deregistration possible |
DU | Duisburg | Online Deregistration possible |
DUD | Osterode am Harz | Online Deregistration possible |
DÜW | Bad Dürkheim | Currently not possible |
DW | Pirna | Online Deregistration possible |
DZ | Torgau | Currently not possible |
E | Essen | Online Deregistration possible |
EA | Bad Salzungen | Online Deregistration possible |
EBE | Ebersberg | Online Deregistration possible |
EBN | Haßfurt | Online Deregistration possible |
EBS | Forchheim | Online Deregistration possible |
EBS | Kulmbach | Online Deregistration possible |
ECK | Rendsburg-Eckernförde | Online Deregistration possible |
ED | Erding | Currently not possible |
EE | Bad Liebenwerda | Online Deregistration possible |
EF | Erfurt | Online Deregistration possible |
EG | Pfarrkirchen (Landkreis Rottal-Inn) | Online Deregistration possible |
EI | Lenting | Currently not possible |
EIC | Eichsfeld | Online Deregistration possible |
EIL | Sangerhausen | Currently not possible |
EIN | Northeim | Online Deregistration possible |
EIS | Eisenberg | Online Deregistration possible |
EL | Meppen | Online Deregistration possible |
EM | Emmendingen | Online Deregistration possible |
EMD | Emden | Online Deregistration possible |
EN | Schwelm | Online Deregistration possible |
ER | Erlangen | Currently not possible |
ERB | Erbach | Online Deregistration possible |
ERH | Erlangen-Höchstadt | Online Deregistration possible |
ERK | Heinsberg | Online Deregistration possible |
ES | Esslingen a. N. | Online Deregistration possible |
ESB | Neustadt a. d. Waldnaab | Online Deregistration possible |
ESB | Lauf an der Pegnitz (Landkreis Nürnberger Land) | Online Deregistration possible |
ESW | Eschwege Landkreis Werra-Meisner-Kreis | Online Deregistration possible |
EU | Euskirchen | Online Deregistration possible |
F | Frankfurt am Main | Online Deregistration possible |
FD | Fulda | Online Deregistration possible |
FDS | Freudenstadt | Online Deregistration possible |
FF | Frankfurt Oder | Online Deregistration possible |
FFB | Fürstenfeldbruck | Online Deregistration possible |
FKB | Korbach | Online Deregistration possible |
FL | Flensburg | Online Deregistration possible |
FN | Bodenseekreis | Online Deregistration possible |
FOR | Spree-Neiße | Online Deregistration possible |
FR | Freiburg i.Br. | Online Deregistration possible |
FR | Freiburg-Land | Online Deregistration possible |
FRG | Freyung-Grafenau | Online Deregistration possible |
FRI | Jever | Online Deregistration possible |
FRW | Strausberg | Online Deregistration possible |
FS | Freising | Online Deregistration possible |
FS | Moosburg a. d. Isar | Online Deregistration possible |
FT | Frankenthal | Currently not possible |
FÜ | Fürth | Online Deregistration possible |
FÜ | Fürth | Online Deregistration possible |
FÜS | Marktoberdorf Ostallgäu) | Online Deregistration possible |
FZ | Homberg/Efze | Online Deregistration possible |
G | Gera | Online Deregistration possible |
GA | Salzwedel | Online Deregistration possible |
GAP | Farchant | Online Deregistration possible |
GC | Glauchau | Online Deregistration possible |
GDB | Grevesmühlen | Online Deregistration possible |
GE | Gelsenkirchen | Currently not possible |
GEL | Kleve | Online Deregistration possible |
GEO | Schweinfurt | Online Deregistration possible |
GEO | Schweinfurt | Online Deregistration possible |
GER | Germersheim | Online Deregistration possible |
GF | Gifhorn | Online Deregistration possible |
GG | Groß-Gerau | Online Deregistration possible |
GHC | Wittenberg | Online Deregistration possible |
GI | Gießen | Online Deregistration possible |
GL | Bergisch-Gladbach | Currently not possible |
GM | Gummersbach | Online Deregistration possible |
GMN | Grimmen | Currently not possible |
GN | Linsengericht
| Online Deregistration possible |
GÖ | Göttingen | Online Deregistration possible |
GOA | Simmern | Online Deregistration possible |
GP | Göppingen | Online Deregistration possible |
GR | Görlitz | Currently not possible |
GRH | Meißen | Online Deregistration possible |
GRZ | Greiz | Online Deregistration possible |
GT | Gütersloh | Online Deregistration possible |
GTH | Gotha | Online Deregistration possible |
GUN | Weißenburg-Gunzenhausen | Online Deregistration possible |
GV | Neuss | Online Deregistration possible |
GZ | Günzburg | Online Deregistration possible |
H | Hannover (Region) | Online Deregistration possible |
H | Hannover | Online Deregistration possible |
HA | Hagen | Currently not possible |
HAL | Halle | Currently not possible |
HAM | Hamm | Online Deregistration possible |
HB | Bremen-Stadt | Currently not possible |
HB | Bremerhaven | Currently not possible |
HBN | Hildburghausen | Online Deregistration possible |
HBS | Halberstadt | Online Deregistration possible |
HD | Heidelberg | Online Deregistration possible |
HD | Sinsheim | Online Deregistration possible |
HDH | Heidenheim (Brenz) | Online Deregistration possible |
HE | Helmstedt | Online Deregistration possible |
HEF | Bad Hersfeld | Online Deregistration possible |
HEI | Dithmarschen | Online Deregistration possible |
HEL | Wiesbaden-Schierstein | Online Deregistration possible |
HER | Herne | Online Deregistration possible |
HF | Herford | Online Deregistration possible |
HG | Bad Homburg v.d.H | Online Deregistration possible |
HGN | Ludwigslust | Currently not possible |
HGW | Greifswald | Online Deregistration possible |
HH | Hamburg | Online Deregistration possible |
HIP | Roth | Online Deregistration possible |
HK | Bad Fallingbostel | Currently not possible |
HL | Lübeck | Online Deregistration possible |
HM | Hameln-Pyrmont | Online Deregistration possible |
HN | Heilbronn | Online Deregistration possible |
HN | Heilbronn | Online Deregistration possible |
HO | Hof | Online Deregistration possible |
HO | Hof | Online Deregistration possible |
HOG | Kassel | Online Deregistration possible |
HOL | Holzminden | Online Deregistration possible |
HOM | Homburg | Online Deregistration possible |
HP | Bergstreet | Online Deregistration possible |
HSK | Meschede | Online Deregistration possible |
HST | Stralsund | Currently not possible |
HU | Hanau | Currently not possible |
HV | Stendal | Currently not possible |
HVL | Havelland | Online Deregistration possible |
HWI | Wismar | Online Deregistration possible |
HX | Höxter | Online Deregistration possible |
IGB | St. Ingbert | Online Deregistration possible |
ILL | Neu-Ulm | Online Deregistration possible |
IN | Ingolstadt | Online Deregistration possible |
IZ | Steinburg | Currently not possible |
J | Jena | Currently not possible |
K | Köln | Online Deregistration possible |
KC | Kronach | Online Deregistration possible |
KE | Kempten (Allgäu) Stadt | Online Deregistration possible |
KEH | Kelheim | Online Deregistration possible |
KEM | Tirschenreuth | Online Deregistration possible |
KF | Kaufbeuren | Online Deregistration possible |
KH | Bad Kreuznach(Kreis) | Currently not possible |
KH | Bad Kreuznach | Currently not possible |
KIB | Kirchheimbolanden | Currently not possible |
KK | Viersen | Online Deregistration possible |
KL | Kaiserslautern | Currently not possible |
KO | Koblenz | Online Deregistration possible |
KÖN | Bad Neustadt/Saale (Landkreis Rhön-Grabfeld) | Currently not possible |
KR | Krefeld | Online Deregistration possible |
KS | Kassel | Online Deregistration possible |
KT | Kitzingen | Online Deregistration possible |
KÜN | Künzelsau | Online Deregistration possible |
KUS | Kusel | Online Deregistration possible |
KW | Dahme-Spreewald | Online Deregistration possible |
KY | Neuruppin | Online Deregistration possible |
L | Leipzig | Online Deregistration possible |
LA | Landshut | Online Deregistration possible |
LA | Landshut | Online Deregistration possible |
LB | Ludwigsburg | Online Deregistration possible |
LBS | Schleiz | Online Deregistration possible |
LD | Landau | Currently not possible |
LER | Leer | Online Deregistration possible |
LEV | Leverkusen | Online Deregistration possible |
LF | Traunstein | Online Deregistration possible |
LG | Lüneburg | Online Deregistration possible |
LH | Unna | Online Deregistration possible |
LI | Lindau | Online Deregistration possible |
LIF | Lichtenfels | Online Deregistration possible |
LIP | Detmold | Online Deregistration possible |
LL | Landsberg am Lech | Online Deregistration possible |
LM | Limburg-Weilburg | Online Deregistration possible |
LÖ | Lörrach | Online Deregistration possible |
LP | Soest | Online Deregistration possible |
LSZ | Mühlhausen | Online Deregistration possible |
LU | Ludwigshafen | Online Deregistration possible |
LU | Ludwigshafen | Online Deregistration possible |
MA | Mannheim | Online Deregistration possible |
MAK | Wunsiedel | Online Deregistration possible |
MB | Miesbach | Online Deregistration possible |
ME | Mettmann | Online Deregistration possible |
MER | Merseburg | Currently not possible |
MG | Mönchengladbach | Online Deregistration possible |
MGH | Tauberbischofsheim | Online Deregistration possible |
MGN | Meiningen | Online Deregistration possible |
MH | Mülheim a.d. Ruhr | Online Deregistration possible |
MI | Minden-Lübbecke | Online Deregistration possible |
MIL | Miltenberg | Online Deregistration possible |
MK | Lüdenscheid | Online Deregistration possible |
MM | Memmingen | Online Deregistration possible |
MN | Mindelheim (Unterallgäu) | Currently not possible |
MOS | Mosbach | Online Deregistration possible |
MSP | Karlstadt (Landkreis Main-Spessart | Online Deregistration possible |
MTK | Hofheim am Taunus | Online Deregistration possible |
MÜ | Mühldorf a.Inn | Online Deregistration possible |
MVL | Schwerin | Currently not possible |
MY | Mayen-Koblenz | Currently not possible |
MZG | Merzig-Wadern | Online Deregistration possible |
N | Nürnberg | Online Deregistration possible |
NB | Neubrandenburg | Online Deregistration possible |
ND | Neuburg-Schrobenhausen | Currently not possible |
NDH | Nordhausen | Currently not possible |
NEA | Neustadt a.d.Aisch | Online Deregistration possible |
NF | Husum | Online Deregistration possible |
NH | Sonneberg | Online Deregistration possible |
NI | Nienburg | Online Deregistration possible |
NK | Neunkirchen | Online Deregistration possible |
NM | Neumarkt | Online Deregistration possible |
NMS | Neumünster | Currently not possible |
NOH | Bentheim | Online Deregistration possible |
NR | Neuwied | Currently not possible |
NW | Neustadt a. d. Weinstr. | Online Deregistration possible |
OA | Sonthofen (Oberallgäu) | Online Deregistration possible |
OB | Oberhausen | Online Deregistration possible |
OCH | Würzburg | Online Deregistration possible |
OD | Bad Oldesloe | Online Deregistration possible |
OE | Olpe | Online Deregistration possible |
OF | Offenbach | Online Deregistration possible |
OF | Dietzenbach | Online Deregistration possible |
OH | Eutin | Online Deregistration possible |
OHV | Oranienburg | Online Deregistration possible |
OHZ | Osterholz | Online Deregistration possible |
OL | Oldenburg | Online Deregistration possible |
OL | Wildeshausen | Online Deregistration possible |
OS | Osnabrück | Online Deregistration possible |
PA | Passau | Online Deregistration possible |
PA | Passau | Online Deregistration possible |
PAF | Pfaffenhofen a. d. Ilm | Currently not possible |
PE | Peine | Online Deregistration possible |
PF | Pforzheim Stadt | Online Deregistration possible |
PF | Pforzheim | Online Deregistration possible |
PI | Pinneberg | Online Deregistration possible |
PLÖ | Plön | Online Deregistration possible |
PM | Potsdam-Mittelmark | Online Deregistration possible |
PR | Perleberg | Online Deregistration possible |
PS | Pirmasens | Currently not possible |
PS | Pirmasens | Online Deregistration possible |
R | Regensburg | Online Deregistration possible |
R | Regensburg | Online Deregistration possible |
REG | Regen | Online Deregistration possible |
RI | Stadthagen | Online Deregistration possible |
RO | Rosenheim | Online Deregistration possible |
RS | Remscheid | Online Deregistration possible |
RT | Reutlingen | Online Deregistration possible |
RU | Saalfeld-Rudolstadt | Online Deregistration possible |
RÜD | Bad Schwalbach | Online Deregistration possible |
RV | Ravensburg | Online Deregistration possible |
RW | Rottweil | Online Deregistration possible |
RZ | Elmenhorst | Online Deregistration possible |
SAB | Trier | Online Deregistration possible |
SAL | Saarbrücken | Online Deregistration possible |
SC | Schwabach | Online Deregistration possible |
SE | Bad Segeberg | Online Deregistration possible |
SƑK | Waldshut | Online Deregistration possible |
SG | Solingen | Online Deregistration possible |
SHL | Suhl | Currently not possible |
SIG | Sigmaringen | Online Deregistration possible |
SL | Schleswig-Flensburg | Online Deregistration possible |
SLS | Saarlouis | Online Deregistration possible |
SOG | Weilheim | Online Deregistration possible |
SÖM | Sömmerda | Online Deregistration possible |
SP | Speyer | Online Deregistration possible |
SR | Straubing | Online Deregistration possible |
STA | Starnberg | Online Deregistration possible |
STD | Stade | Online Deregistration possible |
STO | Tuttlingen | Online Deregistration possible |
SU | Siegburg | Online Deregistration possible |
SÜW | Landau i. d. Pfalz | Currently not possible |
SZ | Salzgitter | Currently not possible |
TÖL | Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen | Online Deregistration possible |
TÜ | Tübingen | Online Deregistration possible |
UE | Uelzen | Online Deregistration possible |
UL | Ulm | Online Deregistration possible |
UL | Ulm-Land | Online Deregistration possible |
VB | Lauterbach Landkreis Vogelsbergkreis | Online Deregistration possible |
VEC | Vechta | Online Deregistration possible |
VER | Verden | Online Deregistration possible |
VK | Völklingen | Currently not possible |
VS | Villingen-Schwenningen | Online Deregistration possible |
W | Wuppertal | Online Deregistration possible |
WBG | Wolfsburg | Online Deregistration possible |
WE | Weimar | Online Deregistration possible |
WEN | Weiden | Online Deregistration possible |
WF | Wolfenbüttel | Online Deregistration possible |
WHV | Wilhelmshaven | Online Deregistration possible |
WHV | Wilhelmshaven | Currently not possible |
WL | Winsen | Online Deregistration possible |
WND | St. Wendel | Online Deregistration possible |
WO | Worms | Currently not possible |
WST | Westerstede | Online Deregistration possible |
WTM | Wittmund | Online Deregistration possible |
WW | Montabaur | Online Deregistration possible |
ZW | Zweibrücken | Online Deregistration possible |